Do you know how far away Norwich is? Well I didn't and so it was a surprise to me to find myself 5 hours into a train journey and still not 'nearly there yet'. The journey by train is one of nostalgia as you pull out of Liverpool Street in old Inter City rolling stock with slam doors! Mind you I have to say the seats give you a bit more space and are certainly more comfy than the new rolling stock on South West Trains.
I stayed over night at the very pleasant Oaklands Hotel and arrived albeit a few minutes late due to adverse weather at the Tribunal in Ber Street. At this point you are beginning to wonder what the important legal point is or perhaps the incite into procedure over there in the flat lands? Sorry to disappoint, that is not what this weeks entry is about.
This week I am simply giving praise to Norwich Employment Tribunal. The staff are friendly, the Tribunal were thorough and the day was not too long (we finished at just after 4 pm each day). Add to this the very good cafe just across the road from the Tribunal and I must admit to having had two very pleasant days in Norwich. The decision was reserved so before you even think it - I do not know if we won or lost.
Perhaps the key to success in Norwich is a small hearing centre with good friendly staff who knew what they were doing and more importantly took pride in it. It makes such a difference for the parties when everyone is treated properly by the staff and in the hearing.
Thank You Norwich.
Peter D
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